Head of Design, Matrix Internet

Treasa Flynn

Treasa believes the best products are designed when the end user is central to the decision making. Without research, questioning the status quo or asking what the end user’s actual requirements are, then it is unlikely that the end result will deliver successful results for our clients. Good design and frictionless user experience is a minimum requirement if an organisation is to flourish online in a challenging digital market place.

“A bad website is like a grumpy salesperson.”

— Jakob Nielsen of Nielsen Norman Group.

If a website is difficult to understand or use, it is the fault of the designer or company, not the user.

Treasa leads the design and UX teams at Matrix Internet. She has over 20 years’ experience leading the design of large-scale projects and coordinating with multidisciplinary teams. Her expertise includes brand positioning strategies, background research, stakeholder engagement, user needs analysis, user testing, prototyping and concept development.

Over the years Treasa has worked with clients as diverse as Avoca, Logitech, the European Commission, Isover Ireland and Go Car.

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