Marie ClareByard
NOW MEDIA creates and post social content for their client’s event, which engages and connects with their client’s audience authentically, in their client’s brand and tone of voice, so the event owner is free to enjoy their event, knowing their social media is in good hands. As well as content creation Marie-Clare also works as a Social Media trainer for Content Plan delivering training nationwide for bodies such as Sureskills and LEO networks. She has given talks at schools and at TUD – Technological University Dublin. Marie-Clare has worked with a broad range of clients such as Dublin City Council, National Recruitment Federation, Pendulum Summit, Stillwater Communications, Anuland, Dr. Mark Rowe, Innovate Communities, Digital Training Institute, Docklands Innovation – A Bolton Trust Initiative, Fenero, IRDG – The Innovation Network, Content Plan, Brightspark Consulting, LEO Fingal, LEO Dublin, OOS, Three Q Perm & Temps, Women’s Empowerment Summit and many more.